What Is It About A Beaker Bong That Makes It A Favorite Among Smokers?

The word 'bong' has been adapted from the Thai word 'Baung' which means a cylindrical pipe or tube that is made of wood. In yesteryears, this device was used for smoking marijuana and tobacco. In recent years, the bong is a device that is used to smoke marijuana. The shape of a bong has changed over the years. However, a cylindrical tube is present in modern bongs similar to the 'baung' of Thailand. This tube is known as the neck of a bong.

The bong contains water, and the smoke must pass through the water before traveling through the neck and reaching the mouthpiece. Therefore, the smoke of marijuana cools down and the users can enjoy smoother hits. The temperature of the smoke is further reduced due to traveling through the neck of the bong. Bongs come in different shapes and sizes. The appearance of a straight tube bong looks similar to the traditional 'Baung'. However, a beaker bong looks different and mimics the looks of a beaker that is used in a laboratory.

The base of the beaker bong is flatter than the other types of bongs. Therefore, it is considered to be more stable than other types of bongs, such as straight bongs and round-base bongs. Users of beaker bongs can enjoy a smoother smoking experience due to its design. The base of a beaker bong is wider than a straight-tube bong. It can hold more water and produce cooler smoke due to this reason. Bongs with a round base may contain as much as water as beaker bongs. However, the beaker shaped base is more stable than the round base.

A beaker bong is ideal for those who enjoy smoother hits since the beaker-shaped bong can be fitted with different types of percolators. It is possible to add a percolator to all types of bongs. However, a beaker bong can be fitted with a large variety of percolators in comparison to other types of bongs due to its design. Therefore, they can produce smoother hits.

It is possible to fit different types of bowls to a bong irrespective of its design. Therefore, you can attach the bowls of varying sizes to a beaker bong depending upon your mood or requirements. The smaller sized bowls are usually 10-mm in size. They cannot contain a lot of marijuana and are ideal for discreet smoking. Small bowls are compatible with micro joints.
The medium size bowls are usually 14-mm in size and compatible with standard joints. The larger bowls are usually 18-19 mm in size and compatible with the larger joints. The medium or large bowls of a beaker bong can contain marijuana in large quantity. You may use these bowls while smoking with your friends, since it eliminates the need to refill the bowls repeatedly. Visit Here: Tank Glass
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