How Do Cannabis Experts Say You Should Clean Your Beaker Bongs?

Marijuana used to be illegal everywhere in America. This is no longer the case now. Many more Americans are now taking to smoking a bong. They're finding out one thing - a dirty bong creates unpleasant hits. That's why they're going online for information regarding cleaning their bongs. You're going to learn about some of these tips, so please, keep on reading.

Water Makes the Hits Smoother

If you were to ask most weed smokers why they prefer to use Beaker Bongs that use water, they would tell you that it's because these types of bongs give a longer-lasting, smoother, and more intense hit. Since water absorbs any substance that's placed in it, it makes sense that it would leave sticky and nasty residue as it evaporated. That residue is called biofilm.
What's even worse is that this residue can grow mold, bacteria, and mildew which can cause serious breathing problems and even do long-term damage to your lungs. Just keep in mind that most states won't let you smoke cannabis if you're under the age of 21.

How Do You Know When to Clean Your Bong?

You know that it's time to clean your Beaker Bong when you see rings resulting from weed residue gathering on its waterline. It's also time to give your bong more than a wipe down if you see residue and particles floating in your filtered and pure water.
Mold, bacteria, and mildew will grow in the water. You'll find that your Beaker Bong will smell bad soon afterward. To be on the safe side, you want to clean your bong or pipe at least once a week. For best results, you should thoroughly clean your bong with water every time you use it.

How the Experts Say You Should Clean Your Beaker Bongs?

Remember that a simple solution using ingredients that you can find around your house works better than fancy store-bought products when you want to clean your bong. You can't go wrong with a solution that's made from rubbing alcohol and salt. A quick wipe down with that solution will make your bong sparkle.

Make sure you take out all removable pieces in your Beaker Bong. Then, put isopropyl alcohol into the bong. Add some coarse salt to that and shake away. Two good types of coarse salt that you can use are Epsom and rock salt. When you shake your bong, be sure to close the opening and vigorously shake it for 5 minutes.

After shaking your bong, make sure to rinse it out with a solution of soap and water. You can also rinse your bong out with vinegar and rice, but it takes longer and is not nearly as efficient. Visit Here: Tank Glass
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