How To Choose The Best Beaker Bong Based Upon Its Size And Material
There are different ways to smoke marijuana. However, the bong or water pipe is most used by smokers, as it can produce smoother and stronger hits. A bong's design is more complex than other devices used for smoking marijuana, as it is made of multiple parts. The base of a bong may be manufactured in different shapes. It may be round or tubular in shape or may be shaped like a beaker. Beaker bongs are available in different sizes and are made of different materials. Hence, it is essential to choose the best beaker bong based upon your personalized requirements, if you want an enjoyable experience when smoking marijuana.
A beaker bong may be made of acrylic, glass, ceramic or silicone. However, if you want to have the best beaker bong, then you may like to have a beaker bong that is made of glass or silicone. Glass is still considered to be the best material for manufacturing any type of smoking device, as it adds no taste to the smoke and releases no toxic fumes, unlike a metallic device. A glass beaker bong is more customizable than any other type of beaker bong. For example, many beaker bongs made of glass are fitted with percolators, ash catchers, down stems, splashguards, and multiple water chambers. These additional features will bring more smoothness into your smoking experience. However, glass is a breakable material.
Borosilicate glass is used in order to ensure the durability of the best beaker bong, as it is capable of withstanding the thermal shock or changes in temperature better than any other material. However, even the borosilicate glass will break after falling from a height. Silicone is another material that is used to manufacture the best beaker bongs. It can be used in order to manufacture durable bongs that are available at affordable price. It is also possible to add numerous features to the silicone bongs and they are not easily breakable.
The beaker bongs are available in different shapes. It is essential to carefully select the size of a beaker bong, if you want to find the best beaker bong based upon your unique needs. For example, a small beaker bong (up to 6-inch in height) is portable due to its compact shape. It is ideal for the new smokers, as the bowl size is smaller than that of a large or medium sized bong.
The medium bongs are usually 8-16 inches tall and the large bongs are taller than 18 inches. If you prefer fuller or bigger hits, then this type of beaker bong would be the best beaker bong. Both large and medium beaker bongs can be fitted with different types of smoking accessories. You will experience no splash-back when using a large bong. This type of beaker bong is ideal for smoking with a group of people, as the chamber can hold a large volume of smoke. For more information visit here: Tank Glass