4 Solid Reasons Why Glass Beaker Bongs Are Infinitely Better Than Plastic Bongs

Many smokers prefer to practice their habit of smoking using their own DIY devices. Unfortunately, most DIY bongs are made of plastic. These homemade bongs also feature foils, plastic tubes, duct tapes, and other household items. Although the innovativeness of DIY bong makers should be admired, smoking from such bongs is not healthy at all. In fact, smoking with any apparatus made of plastic is not safe. If your smoking device is made of plastic, here are four solid reasons why you should ditch it and opt for a glass beaker bong instead -

The Health Risks

Whether you use a glass beaker bong or a plastic bong - you will eventually use it to burn your cannabis/tobacco. The burning causes the materials of your smoking device to react as well (not just the cannabis/tobacco). Burning or extra hot plastic is very bad for any smoker. Plastic bongs and smoking pipes often feature chemical additives. When you heat these additives, your respiratory system is introduced to increased levels of toxicity. You never know what kind of carcinogens and dangerous chemicals you're inhaling. In the past, scientists have discovered cadmium, mercury, and even lead in plastic bongs and bottles.

Reusable Glass Bongs Come with Water Filtration

The most important feature of a high-quality glass beaker bong is that it doesn't feature additive chemicals. When you smoke from glass bongs, you don't expose your lungs to dangerous toxins. Unfortunately, many people don't like the idea of buying glass bongs because they cost more than low-quality plastic bongs. Don't worry - the high upfront costs are worth it in the long run. Glass bongs outlive plastic bongs by years. So, the extra money you spend on a glass bong today will serve you well in three years. Plus, most glass bongs have high-quality filtration systems. These water filtration systems will cool down your smoke, ensure your throat isn't irritated from all the heat and smoke, and filter out all harsh chemicals in the smoke.

More Intense, But Safer Hits

It's normal for a new smoker to be a bit intimidated by a glass beaker bong. After all, these bongs produce massive hits of smoke compared with other smoking tools. But, users don't have to take extra-large hits at all times. They can easily puff the smoke slowly at their own pace. New smokers should start by stuffing their glass bongs with small amounts of tobacco/cannabis. Once they get used to the variation and frequency of hits, they will find bigger hits more comfortable.

Easier to Clean, Maintain and Reuse

The chemical-laced smoke from plastic bongs may disrupt your immune system and hamper your endocrine system. Repeated inhalation of such smoke makes smokers susceptible to countless illnesses and developmental problems. These chemical-laced smoking devices also leave thick, hard-to-clean residues on the bongs. On the contrary, filtration-friendly glass bongs are much easier to clean, maintain, and reuse. Just use a mixture of isopropyl alcohol, rock salt, and cold water to clean your glass bongs for five minutes. Then, rinse it with clean water and normal soap. Repeat the rinse and your clean and healthy glass bong will be ready to be reused! Visit Here: Tank Glass
Carter & Davis, 12 Pike St, New York, NY 10002, (541) 754-3010
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