How To Clean Your Glass Beaker Bong?

If you're an avid smoker of cannabis, or you host a lot of party guests that love dabbing, then you'll know how important it is to keep your glass beaker bong in tip-top shape. Regardless of whether you prefer to smoke or dab, dirt and grime will accumulate overtime on the inside of your bong. This can considerably reduce the experience as it makes the hit from your pipe less enjoyable. You will have to work harder for a good inhale.

Why Clean?

The problem is a dirty bong is not very fun to use. Having a glass beaker bong that has a stale or moldy taste is not very pleasant - especially if you're sharing it with friends. It also means you're not getting the best flavor from your herbs, resulting in wasted money. A dirty bong is also more likely to contaminate your lungs with harmful bacteria or fungi due to condensation from repeated use without proper cleaning. However, taking care of your bong is essential not just for enjoyment but also for health.

Cleaning Methods

• Salt & Alcohol

Cleaning your glass piece with alcohol and salt is an effective method to keep it from accumulating resin or other gunk. Alcohol and salt are a powerful combination that acts like a magnet for resin build-up. It pulls out of the smallest nooks and crannies, if you shake your water piece well and use a cleaning brush. It rinses out easily with hot water.

• Lemon Juice

Resin can be a big problem if you are a regular smoker who smokes bongs. It can cause the bowl or stem to get stuck and be annoying to clean up. This is where lemon juice comes in. When you add lemon juice to your bong water, it will help keep the resin from sticking to the glass pieces. The acidity in the lemon juice reacts with the alkalinity of the resin and will keep it from sticking.

• Cleaning Solution

Pre-made bong cleaning solutions are the fastest and easiest way to clean your glass beaker bong when you want a quick cleaning. These solutions will cut through the residue and dirt that the hard growing algae has built up over time, leaving you with a pristine smoking device. Many products on the market are designed to help bong owners clean their pieces. These products vary in price and effectiveness, so it's essential to review each one to determine the right product for your needs.

Cleaning a glass beaker bong is likely not something that you do regularly, making it a daunting task. Bongs can be pretty unattractive after a few months of use, so don't hesitate to take some extra time to give them an excellent polish now and then. Visit Here: Tank Glass
Carter & Davis, 12 Pike St, New York, NY 10002, (541) 754-3010
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