Benefits of Using A Glass Beaker Bong With A Percolator

For a regular smoker, a glass beaker bong is a must-have device to enjoy a smoother and cooler smoke. A beaker bong is the smoking device which has a beaker-shaped base. This is the place where water is kept. The bowl of a bong keeps the crushed weed which is combusted and smoke is released. Apart from the bowl, base, water tube, and the mouthpiece, a glass beaker bong may or may not have a percolator. This article explains the use of percolator in a bong.

What is a bong percolator?

A bong percolator is added to a bong to ensure the smoking process is smoother. A percolator cools down the smoke and ensures that the smokers enjoy the flavor to the fullest. The percolator provides a premium filtration of smoke. A glass beaker bong can have different types of percolators and each one gives a different effect.

Different styles of bong percolator

Percolators are used to eliminate the harshness and excess heat of the smoke and highlight the flavor. Though percolators have the primary goal of filtering and soothing the smoke, they also add an aesthetic touch to a glass beaker bong.

Honeycomb percolator

This percolator looks like a honey comb. They efficiently filter the smoke. The round-shaped disc of this percolator fits perfectly in the bong tube and smoke is diffused through the small holes.

Tree percolator

This is a simple percolator. Within the bong tube, a number of rods are inserted. Each rod has slits on them, which diffuses the smoke.

Matrix percolator

This percolator is placed at the center of the glass beaker bong. The matrix percolator has a lot of space around it. It adds an appealing factor to the bong.

Inline percolator

These percolators are horizontal tubes with many slits on them. They can be used with other percolators as they complement other percolators well. The amount of percolation increases with the number of slits present on the horizontal tube.

Turbine percolator

They are used in a glass beaker bong to increase its functionality and also to add an extra aesthetic factor to it. The shape of this percolator is such that it helps the water go up the sides of the water pipe and ensures an effective filtration of smoke.

Showerhead percolator

This percolator uses a tube which connects to the main chamber of the bong so that smoke comes back through a larger tube. Then the smoke is directed downwards into another percolator which has a different number of slits. The smoke is directed to a second percolator to ensure a more filtered and more luxurious smoking experience.

Spiral percolator

It is also known as a coil percolator. When used in a glass beaker bong, it ensures more cooling effect to the smokes when it passes through the spiral tube. Compared to other types of percolators, spiral percolators provide longer and smoother hits. Visit Here: Tank Glass

Carter & Davis, 12 Pike St, New York, NY 10002, (541) 754-3010
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