Why Is A Glass Beaker Bong The Best Smoking Device?

Regular smokers may not find it difficult to search for a suitable smoking device. But if you are a new smoker, choosing the right smoking pipe may be a daunting task for you. There are varieties of smoking devices available on the market. You must consider many aspects to choose the best device to have a luxurious, healthier, and smooth smoking experience. Bongs come in various designs.

Carburetor bong: In a carburetor bong, there is a hole in the middle. A carburetor is not the essential component of a bong but when it is present in a bong, it helps in clearing out the smoke accumulated in the bong chamber.

Straight-tube bong: It is the simplest bong design. It has a simple tube with a stem and a bowl on its side. It is a great choice for the beginner.

Beaker-shaped bong: A glass beaker bong is similar to a straight tube bong but the difference is in the shape of the base. In a beaker bong, the base has a conical shape. The working mechanism is similar to any other bong.

Round-base bong: A round-base bong is also similar to a beaker bong but the base is round-shaped. It has a tube and a water chamber. Compared to a straight-tube bong, the round-base bong is more stable and sturdier.

Percolator bong: A percolator bong is also called a bubbler. It can be round-base, beaker-shaped, or a straight-tube. What makes it different from other bongs is the presence of a percolator, which helps in filtering the smoke, and makes it cooler and healthier.

Now that we havean idea about different types of bongs, we must know why smokers prefer a glass beaker bong for smoking.

Advantages of Using Glass:

• Glass is an inert material, so it does not react with anything. That is why, the flavor of herbs does not change when you use glass bongs for smoking.
• Glass is a heat insulator. It does not get heated easily like a plastic or metal bong. So, you can hold a glass beaker bong for a longer time.
• Glass is artful. You can get some of the best glass bongs in your collection especially if you choose colorful or artisan glass.

Beaker bongs are better than any other bongs because they are more stable and sturdier due to their wide base. A glass beaker bong is the most-preferred smoking device for smokers because of its benefits, like sturdiness, more percolation, visual appeal, etc. There are certain disadvantages of using glass bongs. Glass is delicate and can break or crack easily. Moreover, glass is more expensive than other bong materials, so people with budget restrictions may not opt for a glass beaker bong. To read more Click Here
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