Making of The Glass Pipe

For the herb smokers, the glass pipe is a mainstay with its use continuing through the generations. People prefer glass pipes over other materials for obvious reasons.Glass is non-reactive, easy to maintain, looks good, and gives you a smooth hit. Glass as everyone knows is inert, so it does not leach smells or flavors into the smoke.It allows you to experience the flavor and smell of the herb. It withstands the changes in temperature well.So, it is ideal to spark up and smoke herbs, just the way you like them.

A Glass pipe does not get too hot, so you are able to handle it without problems when smoking. You may love the stylistic flare that is found in some of these pipes, as designers decorate them with various colors, sizes, shapes, and patterns. It is possible to create different types of pipe using glass.This includes bubblers, traditional spoon pipes, chillums, and even complex pieces such as dab rigs and bongs. The process of making hand pipes relies heavily on the basic techniques of blowing glass. The blower begins with the addition of heat to a glass tube. From the start, the blower may go one of two available routes for making a glass pipe.

They may use a tube for creating a single pipe, or heat it, break it in half, and form two pipes that are smaller. For a single pipe making, the blower starts with the completion of a neck stretch. Here, blower applies the heat from the expanding glass into a fat cylinder. In the process of expansion, the blower is going to stretch and spin the glass gently for creating the main pipe neck. Once the blower becomes happy with the size and length of the pipe neck, they move ahead to create the related bowl. For this they apply a torchdirectly to the end of the neck, and blow into the cooler part of the tube simultaneously.

This is for the creation of a bulb at the hot end. While blowing into the glass, an artist turns the glass continually to maintain an even shape of the glass pipe. After shaping of the bowl is complete, the blower will use a rod for gently pressing down at the central part of the bulb. This is the bowl push step, creating a depression for the smokers to pack the herb. The blower will use a tool to punch a single hole at the bowl's bottom for a mouthpiece, then punch another hole at the bowl's slide for a carb. Once they place the bowl upon a flat surface, they press it down gently to give the bowl a flat bottom. This way the glass pipe is not going to tip over as you are using it.

The last step involves the shaping of the mouthpiece,followed by breaking the entire pipe from the initial tubing. Then the artist is going to smooth out the mouthpiece to eliminate sharp edges or irregularities. To read more Click Here
Carter & Davis, 12 Pike St, New York, NY 10002, (541) 754-3010
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