Explore The Different Types And Levels of Glass Smoking Pipes Before Buying
While the chillum may be a potboiler classic among the urban folk, including smokers and stoners, Glass Smoking Pipes are no less popular. They are equally famous among hippies and the ones that love bohemian rhapsody. Take the example of the spoon pipe. In general, you can consider them to be the modified or more advanced variant of chillums. Many people consider them to be an innovation of the new-age pipes. While the shape and build are quite similar, the bowl is pretty different. It rests at one end of the pipe. You have the leverage of depositing anything in the bowl. Spoon pipes are the opposite of the chillums, as they have miniature holes in the glass channels or tubes.
Carburetor and Sherlock Pipes
Those small holes form that important space called a carburetor. You need to know that using a spoon pipe is a touch more complicated and tedious than a chillum experience. Smoking through spoon pipes involves a lot of activities with the enclosure of the pipe. You hold it with your finger to draw the air inside the smoke bowl. If you want to uncover the void, just lift your finger and inhale the smoke. This is the way of keeping the smoke in Glass Smoking Pipes lively and fresh.
Understanding the process
Sherlock Pipes are some of the most stylish and elegant Glass Smoking Pipes out there. They have an iconic arched stem, which you won't find anywhere else. Any person can recognize the shape and style from a distance since it resembles or showcases the pipe that's exclusive to the legendary detective Sherlock Holmes. That's the genesis of the name. The detective's swag and charm inspired this brand of pipe smoking. The end of the stem contains a bowl, which is a typical feature of these pipes. The bowl holds the pipe in front of the heat as you light up the device.
On the application
After the thermal application, the smoke accumulates inside the pipe and slowly reaches the concerned stem. There are occasions, when Glass Smoking Pipes have a longer and prolonged stem. They can expand the dimension of the typical stem. You can call them Gandalf Pipes. You derive the name from another famous fictional character, this time from the Lord of the Rings franchise. JRR Tolkien created this marvel, which are fantastic in appearance. Their cool outlook and design, with those attractive carburetors make these pipes a cut above the rest. However, you don't necessarily need to include these components in your pipe.
For the bubblers
The glass pipes are beautiful and strong, blending both mechanical aspects and aesthetics in the right manner. Their chic and quirky name or branding has a specific backdrop. They create a lot of bubbles, which give them the tag of Bubbler Pipes. The pipes are an authentic hybrid of the glass pipe and bong. Their length is small like the regular pipes. However, these pipes use water, which is a typical feature in bongs. That's why we call them glass water pipes, as well. For more information visit here: Tank Glass