How Does The Shape of A Glass Water Pipe Affect The Smoking Pleasure?

The smoker loves to use a glass water pipe offering a smooth and clean hit every time. The shape of the bong affects the quality of the smoke in different ways. The smoke takes less time to cool down before it hits the mouth, based on the length of the path. The filtration rates vary, based on the bong, and some do it better because the smoke travels through the process twice. The smoke amounts generated per hit with a bong varies on the design also.

Some are big enough to require more than one person to light the glass water pipe.

Some common bong shapes include the following:

Straight tube

This basic shape makes the smoking process simple, and the filtering of the smoke is created through the down stem, submerged in the water. In comparison to other bongs, the tube clears faster, so that the users can have larger hits. Cleaning is easy, so for those starting out, they find the straight tube to be an ideal choice.

Beaker water pipe

This shape of bong is popular and resembles the measuring tool that is common in a laboratory. It has a wide and heavy bottom to make it stand on the table or floor solidly. Knocking this glass water pipe over is hard, and the wide bottom generates more amounts of smoke with every hit. There is no need to hold the bong, so sit and relax with this one.

Zig zag

All the zig zag pipes have one or multiple curves, so they appear cool. The curves work as splash guards so that the water does not get into the mouth when smoking. Therefore the experiences improves.

Round base

This style resembles the beaker bong but is less sturdy, yet perfect for your smoking needs.


This type of glass water pipe has an advanced design with an effective filtration process, giving you extra-smooth hits. It guides smoke via a filtration process multiple times, and the typical design contains a water chamber within a larger chamber for double filtration.

Faberge egg

This design resembles the fabled Russian jeweled egg and give the smokers several benefits. The percolator is egg shaped also. With this design you have more spread room for the bubbles to generate. It results in a smooth hit.

Percolator bong

This style offers super efficiency in the smoke filtration, prior to inhalation. It contains two percolators minimum, playing important roles. The multiple slits present diffuse the smoke and offers visual aesthetics. Designed using scientific glass, this glass water pipe allows the smokers to watch the build up of smoke inside.

The sturdiness of the bong is an important aspect, as it resists damage, and does not fall over during a smoking session. Bongs with a wider base are sturdier, too. For more information visit Our Website
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