Find The Right Type of Glass Water Pipe From A Diverse Collection
Glass is used to manufacture most bongs and/or water pipes due to the quality of this material. A glass water pipe does not release any toxic fumes after being heated. Therefore, you can enjoy smoking marijuana without worrying about the toxic fumes when using a glass bong unlike the bongs made of metal or acrylic. Both of these materials release toxic fume when heated. It is also possible to enjoy the real flavor of marijuana or weed through glass bongs. This material adds no aroma or taste to the smoke which is another benefit of using a glass water-pipe. The variation of design or color that is noticed in glass water-pipes cannot be found in bongs made of any other type of material.
It is possible to use glass to manufacture different types of bongs or water-pipes. The glass is heated to a particular level of temperature when bongs are being manufactured. The glass becomes semi-liquid at high temperature and it becomes easier to shape the glass in different patterns. Therefore, you may find a glass water pipe in unique shapes. A straight-tube bong may be made of glass or any other type of material. However, beaker bongs or round-based bongs are usually made of glass because it is difficult to manufacture a round base or a triangular base using metal, silicone or acrylic material.
The design of a straight-tube glass water pipe is simpler than any other type of bong. This variant of bong looks like the original bong which was made of bamboo or wood in yesteryears. However, it is possible to add different colors to the straight-tube bongs made of glass. The coloring particles are added to the glass when it is being shaped by glass-blowing technology.
It is also possible to manufacture glass bongs in varying sizes. The variation in the design of a glass water pipe usually depends upon the variation in the shape of the base. The base of some bongs looks like the base of a beaker that is used in laboratories and some bongs have round base. Coloring particles can be added to all types of water-pipes when the glass is in molten state and being blown into different shapes. All types of water-pipes are found in varying heights, such as mini, medium and large. The size of a bong depends upon the length of the neck and the larger bongs have wider base.