How Different Types of Glass Water Pipes Improve The Smoking Experience

The main benefit of using a water-pipe or a bong is the ability to filter and cool the smoke which must pass through the water. The base of a water-pipe contains the water. Thus, you can enjoy a smooth draw when using a water-pipe or a bong, even when taking large hits. Therefore, glass water pipes are preferred by both experienced and novice users of cannabis. It is possible to enjoy the pungent flavor and aroma of weed along with the cool smoke when a water-pipe is used. Your throat and lungs also benefit from a water-pipe. The cooler smoke does not irritate the throat and it is easier on the lungs. The water-pipes have become one of the preferred smoking devices for cannabis due to these benefits.

Bubblers and bongs are two types of glass water pipes which are used by stoners. The base of both of these water-pipes has been designed to hold water. In both types of water-pipes, the bowl is attached to the base via a down stem. In bubblers, the bowl and down stem are built into the water-pipe. In Bongs, the downstem and bowl are removable. This is the major difference between a bong and bubbler apart from the size of these water-pipes. A bubbler may easily fit inside a palm. Bongs come in different sizes. A mini bong can be held by hand when taking hits. However, it does not fit inside a palm.

A mini bong may be 4-6 inches tall. These glass water pipes can be easily carried in a small bag. Therefore, mini bongs are as portable as bubblers. However, bubblers are smaller than mini bongs. This type of water-pipe is more portable than bongs. The water-chamber of a mini bong is larger than the water-chamber of a bubbler. Therefore, it can hold more water and offer a smoother smoking experience. Some bubblers are built with two water chambers. Therefore, the smoke has the opportunity to pass through the water-chamber twice. This improves the smoothness of the smoke and bubblers with dual chambers offer smoother hits.

Bongs come in varying sizes. Some of these glass water pipes are 10-14 inches in size. These water-pipes are known as medium size bongs. Large bongs may be 16-20 inches long. Medium size and large water pipes offer smoother and cooler hits due to the bigger size of the water-chamber. A large water-chamber can contain a lot of water. Thus, a medium size or large water-pipe can offer smoother hits in comparison to a mini bong or a bubbler.

Large or medium size glass water pipes may be built with additional components which are known as smoking accessories. These components can significantly improve the smoking experience. A large or medium size bong may be fitted with a percolator, ice-pinch or a splashguard. For more information visit here: Tank Glass

Carter & Davis, 12 Pike St, New York, NY 10002, (541) 754-3010
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