How To Select Types of Glass Water Pipes Based Upon Their Shape

Glass water pipes have become one of the most popular smoking devices. This is due to the many benefits that come with using this type of smoking device. The most popular among water pipes are bubblers and bongs. These two smoking pipes are built with chambers at the base to hold the water. Bongs are larger than bubblers. Therefore, they can be built with a larger water-chamber in comparison to that of bubblers. However, bubblers and bongs both offer smoother hits.

Most bongs and bubblers are made of glass, since it is a clean material. Glass does not melt or vaporize prior to being heated to extremes level of temperature. Therefore, glass water pipes do not alter the taste or aroma of the cannabis smoke. You cannot enjoy the realness of cannabis smoke when using pipes made of bamboo, wood, or clay. Natural substances release no toxic fumes. However, they can alter the flavor of the cannabis smoke. Glass pipes are preferred over those made of clay, bamboo, or wood for this reason. Therefore, glass is a commonly used material to manufacture smoking pipes. This material can be easily molded in many shapes. It is another reason behind the popularity of this material for the manufacturing of water-pipes.

You will find different types of bongs and bubblers on the market. Some bubblers look like a 'Hammer' with the neck extending from the side of the water-chamber. In these glass water pipes; the mouthpiece usually points downwards. The stem extends from the side of the water-chamber in a 'Sidecar' bubbler, like a 'Hammer' bubbler. The size of the water-chamber is larger in 'Sidecar' bubblers, in comparison to the 'Hammer' bubblers. The mouthpiece of the 'Sidecar' may extend upwards or downwards. Some bubblers are made of two water-chambers joined side by side for additional filtration of the smoke.

Bubblers are easier to carry around and hold in comparison to bongs. However, the size of the water-chamber in bongs is larger than the size of the water-chamber in bubblers. Therefore, you can enjoy smoother, cooler, and bigger hits when using glass water pipes. Bongs, like bubblers, come in different shapes and sizes. The design of the bong differs, depending upon the design of the base, as well as the design of the neck.

Some of these glass water pipes have a conical base. The type of bong is known as a beaker bong, since it looks like beakers being used in science laboratories. Some of these water-pipes have a spherical or round base. The base of a tube bong is not molded in any shape. These water-pipes look like a straight tube, and the water-chamber is an extended part of the tube. To read more Click Here
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