Factors To Consider About A Small Smoking Pipe Versus A Long Smoking Pipe

Choosing the right smoking device is crucial for enjoying an unmatched smoking session. If you are a new smoker, using the wrong smoking device can leave one with a long-lasting negative impression. Often a question that bothers both new and experienced smokers alike is whether to choose a long smoking pipe or a small one?

Whether you should buy small or big smoking pipes depends on several factors. Here are some of those factors:


No matter what your lifestyle and personal preferences are, budget is an important factor when bong shopping. A long smoking pipe necessitates more material and has many accessories attached to it. So, long smoking pipes are more expensive than mini bongs. People with budget restriction can go for mini bongs. The price of a bong also depends on the materials used for making it. Plastic and silicone are less expensive than ceramic and glass. The price also depends on the design of a bong. But there are exceptions. If you are looking for a bong which can be a great addition to your collection, even a mini glass bong, designed by a renowned glass artist, may cost more than larger ones.


It is easy to handle and carry mini bongs. A long smoking pipe is an ideal device for a daily smoking session, or if you are smoking it at home or at a fixed place. Large pipes are not meant for smoking on the go, especially if they are made of glass. As mini bongs are convenient to handle, many smokers prefer to buy them for their daily smoking sessions, on special occasions, and for an on-the-go smoking experience.

Overall Smoking Experience

You won't find much difference in the smoking experience by using either small or long smoking pipes. Their basic components and functions are similar. But a large smoking pipe can hold more weed and produce more smoke. The water chamber is also big, so it can filter and clean the smoke better. So, smokers get smoother and cooler hits.


A long smoking pipe has more room for customization. As it is larger in size, more accessories such as a percolator, an ice catcher, an ash catcher, etc., can be easily added. You can even add different types of down stems in a large smoking pipe.


There is no hard and fast rule that big bongs will get broken easily compared to the smaller bongs. A large smoking pipe usually has elaborate designs and may be top-heavy. So, they may be more susceptible to being knocked over, and getting cracked or damaged. Similarly, mini bongs can also knock over easily and get damaged. The durability of a bong depends more on the material and the construction than on its size. To read more Click Here
Carter & Davis, 12 Pike St, New York, NY 10002, (541) 754-3010
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