The Art of Cleaning A Glass Pipe

Pipe smoking is a classy habit. But, there are prices to pay for maintaining this classy habit. Firstly, you'll have to invest in a high-quality Glass Pipe that is sturdy and easy to maintain. Purchasing a detachable pipe is the best option. Secondly, you'll have to clean your pipe regularly or else, the quality of your smoking experiences will deteriorate over time. Passage of smoke results in the formation of residue inside the pipe. Inhaling the fumes of this residue can be extremely harmful for your throat. Plus, the taste of the smoke is also ruined. Thankfully, the process of cleaning these pipes is extremely straightforward.

What Will You Need?

The best cleaning agent for a traditional glass pipe is isopropyl alcohol. You can purchase this chemical at any pharmaceutical. Some additional cleaning tools that you'll need include - sealable plastic bags, common salt, cotton swabs, and a cloth for wiping the pipe. There are several approaches to cleaning smoking pipes. The most common approach involves the use of isopropyl alcohol. Make sure the alcohol has at least 90% purity. This chemical exterminates any residue present inside the pipe.

The Isopropyl Method

The isopropyl cleaning method is the most effective. Firstly, you need to fill up a sealable bag with isopropyl alcohol. Make sure the sealable bag's size is in proportion with the size of your glass pipe. Fully submerge your pipe inside the bag. Keep the bag untouched for at least half an hour. Isopropyl alcohol will start breaking down all the residues, tar, and resins inside the pipe. Once you notice that there's a visible breakdown of these harmful residues inside the sealable bag, add common salt to the solution. Common salt has a tremendous quality of getting rid of sticky substances. So, if there are spots on your pipe that are impossible to reach with hands, brushes, or a sponge - using salt is a must. These large chunks of salt eradicate the tar's sticky nature, making it easy to clean the pipe. After a while, take your pipe out of the sealable bag, wipe it clean, and allow it to dry.

The Bowl Method

You can also use a bowl instead of a sealable bag. But, since bowls cannot provide a vacuum, as sealable bags do, there is no natural cooling effect. So, you'll need cleaning agents such as baking soda and vinegar for immaculate cleaning. Cover your glass pipe with baking soda. Place the pipe inside the bowl and then pour white vinegar over it. Allow the natural chemical reaction to take place. You'll notice foams rising inside the bowl. Once the pipe is all 'foamed up,' clean off the fuzz using warm water.

The Importance of Regular Cleaning

The ideal cleaning approach for pipe smokers should be cleaning their smoking apparatus after each smoking session. Smoking itself is a harmful habit. So, you can only imagine just how harmful smoking from dirty glass pipes can be! Use cotton swabs to break off large pieces of residue after each smoking session. For more information visit here: Tank Glass
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