Different Parts of Smoking Pipes And Their Functions

Smoking pipes are mainly used to smoke cannabis. They are also called bongs. In singular form it is a 'bong'. The word bong comes from the Thai word bang, which means a hollow bamboo tube that is used to smoke weed. These pipes have been in use for the last several centuries to smoke weed. The modern versions of these pipes have undergone modifications. Compared to those simply designed pipes made of bamboo, modern bongs are a little more complicated in structure. Yet the basic working principle has remained unchanged.

Understanding a bong

A bong or a water pipe is basically a filtration device that is used to smoke dry marijuana. An integral part of a bong is its water chamber. It is because of the water chamber that a bong offers a cool smoking experience. As the smoke must pass through the water, it becomes smoother and cleaner to inhale, as well as stronger in impact. Weed smoking pipes like bongs come in a variety of styles and sizes. However, the functional mechanism remains the same. Because of the presence of a water chamber, a bong is also called a water pipe.

The smoke coming from a bong is filtered with water. The water filtration process takes place inside the water chamber. Water is held and diffused inside this chamber. Filtering is done using a percolator. It also helps keeping the temperature under control. If you have just stepped into the world of smoking weed, then it is important to properly understand the mechanism, or functioning of smoking pipes before purchasing one.

Different parts of a water pipe

Smoking pipes that come with a water filtration facility have different distinct components. For example, a:

• Bowl - dry flowers and herbs are placed inside it and then lit to produce smoke.
• Percolator - the smoke travels through the percolator. A percolator forces water through additional chambers and holes. As smoke passes through, water bubbles are formed. The procedure makes the smoke smoother, and you get a more effective hit.
• Joint and down stem - the joint and down stem are two vital components in a smoking pipe. The joint holds the down stem where the bowl remains fitted. Smoke travels through the down stem.
• Water chamber - smoke gets filtered while passing through the water chamber. Filtration ensures the toxins and resins present in the smoke get separated. Thus, the smoke becomes much smoother.
• Neck - smoke passes through the neck once it leaves the water chamber. The longer the neck is the cooler the smoke you draw from smoking pipes.
• Mouthpiece - as a smoker you inhale the smoke from the mouthpiece after it has traveled through all the parts of the bong.

There are varieties of smoking pipes available on the market. It is important to note that every variety does not suit every category of users. Therefore, you should do a little research before investing money into a particular variety. To read more Click Here
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