Is It Healthy Or Unhealthy To Do Rotation of Smoking Pipes?
Rotation of smoking pipes has been practiced ever since these smoking devices were invented. It's basically the process of having more than two pipes in your arsenal so you can switch from one pipe to another whenever you please. For some ardent smoking pipe lovers, doing so is unacceptable. One special smoking pipe for every user - that's their sentimental thought process. However, rotating your smoking pipe every now and again can actually be healthy and financially beneficial for you in the long run. Let's address this controversial debate about rotating and not rotating smoking paraphernalia.
Why Pipe Rotation Is Good
Pipe rotation is widely considered to be a good practice as it allows users to give their tried and tested devices some much-deserved rest. Usually, people rotate their smoking pipes when they become dirty or overused. To ensure their pipes remain in good health for longer periods, people put down their pipes and switch to another one. In the past, pipe rotation was a fairly controversial practice among ardent smokers because these devices were expensive and hard to access. Hence, using two or more pipes instead of smoking the same pipe for years was considered vain or wasteful. Now that setting up pipe collections is so cheap and easy, tactical pipe rotation can help people improve their smoking experiences.
When to Rotate?
If you use a water pipe and clean it regularly, chances are you won't need to rotate as much. In older pipe models like briar pipes, rotation every few days is necessary. Burning tobacco causes briar pipes to go through significant structural changes. The pipe's bowl and body go through rapid expansion and contraction as hot smoke moves through them. If these pipes aren't given enough time to cool down, they can crack. As soon as you turn down the fire, the pipe's bowl and body start cooling. When the bowl is heated again, there's a rapid switch from cold to hot temperatures again. This temperature shift can cause cracks and holes in the bowl and sometimes even in the body.
Average Rotation Period
Sometimes, a water pipe will accumulate too much of the tobacco smell. If this smell isn't cleaned and eliminated on time, the pipe can start to smell sour. So, smokers who experience such issues should rotate their pipes as frequently as they like. After all, smoking experiences are subjective. But, inhaling too much-wet tobacco steam isn't good for health or smoking experiences. So, users must keep a check on these factors. There are no fixed rest lengths for smoking paraphernalia. But, most pipe enthusiasts advocate for resting each pipe for at least five days after each smoking session.
Enhancing Smoking Experiences
Pipe rotation should be about enhancing smoking experiences. Sure, technical details like cooling and drying of the pipe matter a lot, especially with briar pipes. But, pipe rotation should always be a personal decision for the user. Many ardent smokers even have rituals about pipe rotations. These pipe enthusiasts build large collections of pipes and rotate them at will! For more information visit here: Tank Glass