How The Design of A Water Pipe Influences The Quality of Smoke?

The design of a water pipe has come a long way from being a straight tube with a base which is filled with water. In yesteryears, bongs were made from a long tube of wood or bamboo. There were no features to control the movement of the smoke. Thus, the sudden release of smoke often irritated the throat, even though the smoke became cooler after passing through water. Modern bongs are fitted with different types of accessories in order to improve the experience for cannabis users. It has become possible to prevent the sudden movement of the smoke, and to make the smoke cooler using accessories.

Some of the smoking accessories filter the smoke alongside cooling it. Therefore, the smoking experience is influenced by the built-in smoking accessories in a water pipe. The design of the bong also influences the experience for the cannabis users. Bongs can be categorized depending upon the shape of the base. Some bongs have a conical base, and some have a round base. The design of the base remains the same as the rest of the body in a tubular bong. A bong with a conical or round base can hold more water in comparison to a tubular bong. Therefore, this type of bong is likely to produce cooler smoke.

The classification of a water pipe does not just depend upon the shape of the base. It also depends upon the shape of the body. The base of a bong, which holds the water, is known as the water chamber. Some bongs with a tubular body have multiple chambers. These water-pipes stand apart because of their complex glasswork. Multi-chamber bongs usually have two or three chambers to hold water. They filter the smoke and reduce its temperature through recycling.

In a multi-chamber water pipe, two water chambers, used for recycling the smoke, may be connected to a central chamber, which extends up to the mouthpiece. These recycling chambers may be located on either side of the central chamber or on top of one another. Straight-tube bongs can be divided in different chambers. Beaker shaped bongs, or round-base bongs, cannot be built with multiple chambers due to the shape of their base.

Cannabis smoke cools down due to passing through the water more than once, while moving from one chamber to another. There may be a built-in percolator in each chamber of a multi-chamber water pipe. The presence of multiple percolators results in a thorough filtration of the smoke. The smoke becomes cooler due to passing through the percolator in each chamber. The recycler bong also reduces the temperature of the smoke through recycling. The smoke is filtered by the water and/or the percolator of the same chamber multiple times. Thus, the design of different types of water-pipes greatly influence the quality of the smoke. Visit Here: Tank Glass

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