Are Uniquely Designed Water Pipes Good For The Ultra-Smooth Smoking Experience?
A water pipe Bong can be used for years which is the main benefit of using a Bong, as you cannot use blunts or joints multiple times. The filtration of the smoke is another benefit of using a water-pipe. The water will remove some of the toxins and impurities from the smoke once it passes through the water and will reduce the temperature of the smoke. The water also mollifies the harshness of the smoke. Thus, you can enjoy cooler and smoother hits without experiencing any irritation of the throat. You can take larger hits every time when using a bong, as the smoke loses heat and harshness. Thus, bongs have many benefits to offer to the smokers. However, it is essential to carefully select a bong based upon your unique needs, as they are available in varying sizes and with additional features.
The style of a water pipe bong is another important feature to consider before making a purchase, as Bongs are available in different styles. Bongs are categorized in three categories based upon the shape of the base. A Beaker bong looks like a beaker that is used in laboratories for experiments while some bongs look like a straight tube and some bongs have a round base. However, Bongs can be divided in several other categories based upon their shape or additional features. For example, a multi-chamber Bong has multiple chambers of water in order to provide a smoother smoking experience. Each chamber of this type of bong is fitted with a percolator for maximum filtration and to generate more smoke. The smoke loses most of the heat when passing through multiple chambers of water fitted with percolators. Thus, you can take larger hits each time.
The multi-chamber water pipes are made of high-end material. Therefore, this type of water-pipe may be expensive. However, you will get a durable product when purchasing this type of water-pipe. The Recycler bongs are as unique as multi-chamber bongs with respect to the design, and they can provide an equally sublime smoking experience as the smoke is percolated several times.
In Multi-Chamber bongs, the smoke moves from one chamber to another. In Recycler water pipes, the smoke recycles through one chamber multiple times, and is percolated several times through the same percolator. Thus, the smoke becomes smoother before reaching the mouthpiece and smokers can have larger hits each time when using this type of bong.
The Zongs is another example of a water pipe bong which features a zigzag design. The 'Z' section or curved section of Zongs can be used as ice-catches. The angular part also enables the smoke to become cooler. The Inline bong is another variant that is capable of providing excellent percolation. This type of bong is fitted with a horizontal percolator which is its uniqueness. Some Inline bongs may have another built-in percolator at the upper portion. For more information visit here: Tank Glass