Common Features of Water Pipes & Unique Benefits of Using This Type of Smoking Pipe

You will find different types of water pipes on the market. However, the bongs are more popular than any other type of water-pipe due to their unique features. They are available in different sizes, shapes and designs. Therefore, you may find a bong based upon your unique needs. You may use a mini bong for personal use. This type of water pipe can be easily carried inside a backpack due to being 4-10 inches tall and having a slim structure.

Mini bongs can deliver satisfactory hits; however, the bongs of medium or tall size can deliver powerful hits. Therefore, you may use these water pipes for personal use or for parties. The size is not the only feature that differs from one type of water pipe to another. The majority of these bongs are made of a mouthpiece, uptake, chamber, base, stem and bowl. However, some of these smoking devices may be fitted with additional parts to enhance the smoking experience of the users. Some bongs are fitted with an additional chamber to contain a few pieces of ice. The smoke of burnt cannabis becomes filtered by the ice pieces alongside being filtered by the water in this scenario and the smokers receive smoother hits due to this reason. This type of water-pipe has notches on the wall. They can catch the ice pieces when they melt after coming in contact with the fumes of burnt cannabis.

Some of these water pipes are fitted with recyclers. This type of bong has two separate chambers filled with water. The fume becomes cleaner and smoother after being filtered twice. The percolator is another additional feature that is found in some bongs and they are available in different shapes and sizes. Percolators are used to provide an additional level of filtration as well as cooling. Hence, you will find different types of bongs based upon your unique needs.

In some bongs or water pipes, the basic as well as additional parts may be removable. It is easier to clean the bongs fitted with removable parts since you can separate them for cleaning. Bongs have become popular among weed smokers due to their unique benefits. The hot fumes of burnt cannabis may irritate the throat when a dry pipe is being used, such as a one-hitter, chillum or a blunt. In bongs, the fume passes through the water and loses the heat. The cooled fume does not irritate the throat of the smokers.

The filtration of the fume is another benefit of using a water-pipe. The fume of the burnt cannabis contains harmful byproducts resulting from combustion. However, the fume will lose some of the toxic elements after passing through the water. This is another benefit of using water pipes. They are considered to be a healthier medium of smoking cannabis due to this reason. For more information visit Our Website

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